Our services

Connecting to the Internet has never been easier.

Residential Package

High speed internet for you and your family.

Business Package

High speed Internet especially for your business.

We are proud to offer quality internet




New Contracts


Covered Cities


Download speed 30 Mbps and uploading speed 6 Mbps.

Low prices

We offer the best services at the best prices.


Installation anywhere in Romania in maximum 72 hours(3days).


Our services are available wherever you are.

Tooway TM

In Romania Tooway is provided by Front Line Management SRL.
In 72 hours Front Line can deliver, install ( on request) and activate the service.

So simple

Internet connection has never been easier. Tooway service gives you internet acces everywhere in Europe and meditarean basin. No matter the area that you are you can surf on net without cables or wires. Tooway service is available instant and anytime. All you need is to plug you computer to electirc power. The connection is made through a satellite antenna.


The Tooway is a broadband internet service through satellite for individuals and for small groups ( families or business) . An antenna and a modem supplied by local provider is necessary to connect from everywere from Europe without signal or coverage issue. All this is possible thanks to a sistem of satellite that covers the continent.